Saturday, November 29, 2008

Everything Happens fro a Reason!

I hope Everyone had a great Thanksgiving! It is one of my favorite holidays. This year I managed to make it to all the family dinners. I have divorced parents and one is re-married making it difficult around holidays to make it to every family event. After the dinners I left town with my aunt and a friend and we drove 3 hours to the lake and prepared for Black Friday. We started shopping at a few stores already open at 10:00pm Thursday night and didn't stop shopping until 4:00AM Friday morning. We slept for three hours and got up to shop again, all day. Last night we slept from 10pm to 7:30am. That was nice and I slept soundly. Today we hit a few small shops on the way out of town and ended up getting home at about 5pm. What a crazy crazy shopping spree.

While away I received some awesome news. Turns out I made it in to housing at UAS and will be getting my placement letter in the mail some time soon. What a relief! I should have trusted God from the beginning, throughout this whole process. He always delivers! I cannot tell you how excited I was at the time and still am. Fretting about this whole trip and how I was going to get a job, work, get a car, AND find a place to live...well it was stressing me out to say the least. Now, I know that I have a place to stay that does not require rent. This gives me more time to find a good job. The car part...well I will worry about that later. I am in way too good of a mood to think about that now!

Hope everyone has a great weekend. If you live around here, Take time to enjoy the first snowfall! It is simply gorgeous!


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

New classes!

So, I heard via phone that one of my classes had been changed to a later class time. I don't want classes after 2 because there is a good possibility that I will need to have a job. After dropping some classes and adding a few more, here is the result:

Previous Week Week of Jan 12, 2009 (1 of 16)

Next Week

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
8am GEOL S105-J01
48969 Class
8:00 am-9:30 am
HB 113
GEOL S105-J01
48969 Class
8:00 am-9:30 am
HB 113
MATH S206-J01
48982 Class
11:30 am-1:00 pm
HB 205
MATH S206-J01
48982 Class
11:30 am-1:00 pm
HB 205
12pm HIST S106-J02
49186 Class
12:00 pm-1:00 pm
EG 225
HIST S106-J02
49186 Class
12:00 pm-1:00 pm
EG 225
HIST S106-J02
49186 Class
12:00 pm-1:00 pm
EG 225
THR S111-J01
49388 Class
1:10 pm-2:10 pm
HB 113
THR S111-J01
49388 Class
1:10 pm-2:10 pm
HB 113
THR S111-J01
49388 Class
1:10 pm-2:10 pm
HB 113

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Birthdays, School, and Parties...

After a lot of confusion, my classes are officially set. I didn't end up getting the PE (basketball, volleyball) class I wanted because it changed to Ballroom dancing. Haha. I decided to pass on the dancing class and take PE next semester. Oh well, I still have intermural sports I can participate in.

This past week I was so busy working. Monday was my 21st birthday. I really didn't celebrate it. We went out for dinner and that was about it. Friday, I ended up getting sick and sleeping the evening away. which brings me to this morning, where I have done nothing but sit under a fuzzy blanket and watch the first snow fall. Too bad it wont amount to anything. It is not falling hard enough.

Tomorrow is church and my mom is having a Signature styles party. They have some cute stuff, kind of like Home Interior, baskets and pictures and such. I have no home so I wont be buying anything. haha. But, you know, it's fun to look through the magazines and stuff. Plus, theres going to be a lot of people there. I'm sure it will be fun. Either way, there will be food! Hehe.

This next week I am meeting up with an old friend to go see the midnight showing of Twilight. I'm very excited to see her, as it has been over a year since I saw her last. Plus, the movie will be great.

As far as housing. Well, December 1st they will be emailing, calling, mailing information on who they have room for and who will need to use alternative housing. I am praying that somehow, someway, this will work out. Until then, I will be on pins and needles waiting.
I think thats about all that is happening with me!


Last Winter:

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Good or Bad News First?

Good or bad news first? I usually choose the bad just to get it over with. So here goes.
I received a letter from housing in the mail yesterday. It basically said that housing is full there and I will be put on a waiting list until a vacancy becomes available. Another waiting game? Yup. The letter did say they have alternative housing and have a list of residence that are willing to rent to college students. My problem is that I am going there without a job. How can I afford rent or the deposit, etc? I emailed them just today and told them that if I do not have housing the chances of me attending are slim. It isn't really true. However, if they think they will loose money they may find an opening they missed. It is a small school, so who knows. It was worth a shot.
As for my class schedule, I still have not heard back from my adviser. It is really starting to annoy me. I emailed him not too long ago (week or two) and he said that he would be getting back to me soon. Ugh. I have no patience. I really just want everything to be finalized. This way I can get my plane tickets and start preparing. I feel like everything is just up in the air right now and doubt keeps creeping up in me and my family members around me.

Better news:

I have been working my tail off lately. The schools have needed me to cover several positions. This week was the first time I worked the entire week. I have to say, it feels good. Feels nice to know that a decent size check should be coming in this month. I have also started assistant coaching 8th grade girls basketball. For the most part, this is a great group of girls that have never played before. Ahh I love a challenge. The work and the basketball have me so worn out though. I am just getting used to the schedule. BUT it's a great kind of worn out. The kind where you know your making a difference in someones life. The kind where you can sit down at home at the end of the day and just sigh because it's over, but also because it was such a productive one. That is how my week has been. Productive but not necessarily positive.

Right now:
I am sitting in my house in the dark. Not a single light on. It is 8:30am and everyone is still asleep except me. The sun rose long ago but the winter clouds have hidden it well. The gray sky makes me happy for some unknown reason. Winter is on it's way and it shows in the 35 degree temperature. I can barely hear the wind chimes ringing outside. This is the perfect environment to write. These days are what keep me in a good mood, and remind me that everything is in God's hands. These days keep me at peace.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Today I was called a Jesus Freak. What they don't realize is it was the biggest compliment ever!

So I was on youtube today and I posted a comment on a video about being sad that McCain/Palin didn't win. I put in the comment how I loved that they both were Christians and not afraid to say how blessed they are by God and how much they thank him. Here was One response to my comment:
"oh, i get it. you are a jesus freak. dont worry, i wont point out your inability to grasp reality. i feel bad for all of you people with severe brain damage."

Wow. Is that what our time is coming too? I never thought I would see the day when Americans were afraid to have Christians in the White House. I never thought I would be personally attacked because I believe in God. While being called a Jesus Freak doesn't bother me one bit, what does bother me is the fact that this is becoming more common. I cannot tell you how many times people have looked down on me lately because I am a Christian. It's tough. It hurts to know that this is what our country is coming too. But what can you do?

Tuesday, November 4, 2008



Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween! Hope everyone got lots of candy and had lots of fun! I went out with my niece. She is one and dressed as the cutest skunk ever. I also carved a pumpkin just like this one. It turned out great AND no one smashed it over the night. :)
Have a great weekend!