Friday, August 14, 2009

I've Lost my best friend... can somebody find her?!

So this month has been a mess. Work has gotten crazy. Apparently, this is when everyone starts vacationing and heading back to school, which means we are extremely short staffed. One thing that is nice about being understaffed is that we are all running around like chickens with our heads cut off and this makes the day go by faster.
A few things have happened this past week, one of them being Kari leaving for Norway. It's extremely exciting but I'm still waiting for some good pictures!! *cough cough* I can't imagine how hard it must be to be so far away from home and in a different country. On that same note, I can't imagine how amazing the experience would be either. There would be so much to learn and so many memories to tell everyone in the future. How cool. I miss her and yet hate her because I am extremely jealous! :)
I must admit it is a little hard not having Kari around. With no TV I rely on others for entertainment. I've been bored these past few days. hehe. But that's okay. School will be starting up here shortly and I will have plenty of dumb freshmen to watch roaming around campus. By dumb I mean scared and lost. Yeah that's what I meant...
Moving on, I have been hiking lately and bike riding. It's nice to come home after work and unwind with a little walk or ride. Lately, I have been hanging out with some friends from work. This past weekend a few of us went to watch one of the pilots husbands' band play. They were not really that good or maybe they were but you couldn't hear the girl singing. Kind of hard to judge. Either way, it was pretty fun with good company and it helped me to come home and crash.
This next week is going to be crazy. I will start a new blog about that one soon. For now I have to leave the apartment so my landlord can "show" it to another interested party. Just a reminder that school is right around the corner and there's so much more to DO!!
♥ Melissa

PS: Pray for Kinsey who is in the hospital for swallowing a magnet. She is curious about the world around her, just like her aunt. :)

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