Friday, November 5, 2010

"If you lift me up, just get me through this night. I know I'll rest tomorrow and I'll be strong enough to fight."

It has been an interesting week here in the US VI. I'm not exactly sure where to start.
I guess I'll start with today. Originally, I had planned to make today a beach day.. Not sure if that is going to happen since Hurricane Tomas has passed us and is sending us lots of wind and rain. I went to Social Science class where I received the rough draft of my research paper back with little writing on it. The teacher called me up front and said, "I think this is it." I was like "what?" She then told me that my rough draft was good enough to be my final paper and that all I needed to fix was one capitalized word in my citations that didn't need to be there. That was great to hear.
However, the class started and we began discussing what a family is and how in the Caribbean sees a family much different then the world. I had no clue what I was in for.
I quickly came to realize that the only people that the blacks down here HATE worse then whites, is Homosexuals.
Let me first say that I am a Christian and I believe that Jesus came and died for me and I believe that I am blessed because of everything thing he has provided and everything I have been able to see in my life time.
BUT let me just add... Jesus would never hate. He wouldn't hate me because I'm white and he wouldn't hate someone if they were gay. Jesus was all about loving.
Scientifically, our days of believing that homosexuality is a choice are Over. Do you honestly think that today's gay youth would be killing themselves if it was really a choice? Do you think that Jesus would have bullied these kids into killing themselves?
I often wonder if the amount of preservatives and genetically engineered foods we consume have have somehow altered our genes or something but I am no scientist and I am not God. Therefore I have no right to condemn these people to hell.
I think that one thing I was supposed to learn by being down here is that life is Hard on the other side of the fence. I can't imagine feeling like this the rest of my life. I can't imagine being hated for my skin color everyday for the rest of my time on Earth. I can't imagine being hated for something I can't change.
All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never cast out.-John 6:37

On a lighter note, I visited the British Virgin Islands last weekend. It was Gorgeous! The BVI is some place that I could see myself coming back to visit. The Baths were amazing and were just as great as everyone had told me they would be:Tyra Banks and many other super models have posed in this very spot! I could have stayed there forever.

After the Baths we went snorkeling in caves on the one and only Treasure Islands. No treasure was found but we did see a black shark, octopus, barracuda, and lots and lots of fish!

It was so nice to get off the island and use my passport! I would do it again at any second if only I had the money haha.
Now, it's on to a research project on Autism, a research project on Brain Aneurysm, turning my Social Science research paper rough draft into the final draft, a speech for when I return to Missouri and hopefully a little bit of ME time at the beach before the end of the weekend!
Have a wonderful relaxing weekend everyone!

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