Sunday, November 29, 2009

"Let's call them a beaver! Beavers look innocent but have very sharp teeth!"

I guess I should explain the craziness of my blog, as of lately. I know most of you probably already know this but I will clear it up for the rest and be done with it. It all started during the summer.
This past summer I learned so much. I learned all about helicopters and Juneau. I learned about glaciers and tourists. I learned that a bike ride in the rain could be one of the most exhilarating things ever. I learned I am the type of person who trusts people immediately in a world where I should make people earn my trust. I also learned that once someone looses my trust it will most likely never be gained again. Whether that is good or bad, I have no clue but it didn't work out so well this summer. I learned that first impressions really mean nothing and are often times completely wrong. I learned that you have to live for yourself and make yourself happy. If you can't keep yourself smiling, how can you make others smile? I learned that everyone should have a mentor, even those who are elderly. It's great to have someone to look up to or ask advice. I learned that black bears are actually kind of cute and most of the time harmless. I learned that finding a good church is hard. I learned that working 12 hr days is also very hard. I learned that nose diving in a helicopter is very scary but very fun. Of course that depends on the pilot. ha!
There is one situation this summer that is still following me, literally. This situation taught me that it really is hard to see the bigger picture when you are inside the portrait. Like I said before, this is the first and last time I will write about this as I am SO done with it all!
So I became friends with an individual through school. We realized we had a lot in common. Slowly but surely arguments began between be and other friends. A huge mess of drama seemed to linger around all summer, infiltrating the walls of my apartment and the minds of my coworkers. Before I knew it I had been pulled away from everyone except that one individual, denied the right to hang out with other friends or even stay extra hours at work to earn extra money. That person was controlling my life. Of course I didn't realize it at the time.
How does this happen? Why does this happen? Well, to much trust I suppose. An optimistic naive mind. I remember the day this person left for a different country, a semester abroad. I felt freed. I was going to miss my friend of course, but I felt like I could finally have other friends without feeling bad. I reconnected with lost friends and started to see the bigger picture. It wasn't long before I found myself falling into the same trap. This person was trying to control me from half way around the world, and honestly, it was working at first. This person had people they were having "check up" on me. Telling them my ever move.
I remember one evening I was invited out by some pilots to watch one of the pilot's husband preform in his band. It was just some time of bonding outside of work. I didn't tell anyone I was going but ran into a few friends there, one of which reported back to the overseas individual and I had a nasty email in my inbox before I arrived home from the event. "The pilots are just not a good influence on you." This was one of the final straws. Before I new it I was getting drunken facebook message after message. Some hurtful, some pitiful pleas. It was all getting to be too much.
Why would somebody do this to someone they call a friend? Well, turns out I was the focus of their crush. Gag.
That seems rude I guess and a bit insensitive. However, when I turned down the individual they decided to make my life hell. They contacted my family and told lies to them, intentionally trying to put a wedge in my family. The person even told me that they went for my family member that they thought would hit me the hardest. Needless to say I cut the person off completely, blocking them from online networking sites like facebook etc. My family members did as well and we thought that would be it, done, finished.
It wasn't, I was sent emails via yahoo. The same as the facebook ones. Some mean, some pitiful. Mostly just trying to get me back as a friend and refusing to leave me alone, as I had asked so many times. Just when I thought the messages had stopped for good, a few of my friends approached me. One said he was being asked to spy on me. The other read me some pretty disturbing messages she had been written. Some begging for information about any possible romantic interests I might have, and also talking about the dreams this person was having about me. Another Gag. It was obvious that this person no longer had a crush but had replaced it with an obsession.
One of my friends had had enough and sought out a mentors advice. At first I was not happy about this as the situation is kind of embarrassing and seems like it is all over exaggerated (and I assure you I am under exaggerating all this too you). However, she had some very helpful advice. She wanted me to go to the police and at least have something on record about all this. I was not comfortable with this, so it was suggest that I learn self defense and tell people about the situation. This way, if something ever happens in the future, there are others who can attest to what has been happening now for over 6 months. This is why I have been up and down in my blogs, as far as moods go. I have been exhausted with school of course but also with dealing with this ...stuff. As of three days ago, the messages stopped, but they usually do for a few weeks at a time before starting up again. All I can think about is getting home to my family where I don't have to worry about watching my back. I will try not to worry all Christmas vacation and just focus on family, friends, rest and relaxation. Because when I come back to Juneau for the spring semester this person will have returned from their studies abroad and we will be living only apartments away from each other. I am sure this person will not be so brave in person as they have been over the internet.
Lesson learned here? It is incredibly complex. I guess Marilyn Monroe said it best:
"I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when their right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together."

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

IMPORTANT! ! ! ! !

Due to some recent events, I am amping up the privacy on my blog. Those wishing to continue reading, please send me an email so I know your email address. This will now be the only way you can see the blog. Thanks so much and sorry I have to do this...I used to like the thought of people I don't know being able to read about my experiences but unfortunately, it only takes one bad apple to ruin the whole bunch.


just something I found in a diary I kept a long time ago. I thought it was well written.

Waking up to no alarm but my heart beat, I stretch and stumble out of bed. After a long yawn and a trip to the kitchen my coffee is ready. It's a cool, breezy morning and I walk out onto the front porch with my cup of coffee in one hand and a news paper in the other. Having a seat on the porch swing, beside my love, I open the paper and begin to read.


The swing I am on suddenly becomes the front seat of my car in a mad dash to get to school on time. The coffee in one hand turns into an energy drink while the newspaper soon becomes easily recognized as my unfinished homework. The sky is dark and the clouds have just moved in as the rain thumps on the windshield. Swish.....Swish. The wipers leave a mess on the widow making the road seem blurry. I take a deep breath to slow my racing heart and turn to start a conversation with my love, in the seat next to me. Unfortunatly, he has vanished with the sun.Wether behind a cloud or just untill the morning, he is gone. I am left in an empty car, with nothing but a dream and no time for a love.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Calculated, Demonstrated, Educated, Elated, Eradicated

The Praxis test is over and I am so relieved. I am not too sure how I did as I had no time to study for it but I think I passed. That's all that matters I guess.
I was trying to think of what had happened that I could write about. You know, an update I suppose. And I kept blanking. Then I realized I hadn't said anything about the weather! It has been snowing for three days straight here. Talk about a winter wonderland. It came just before most people had their snow tires on. Haha. Gotta love Mother Nature. I have to mention here that my car is such a trooper. It gets around fine right now. I just have to take it slow, as does everyone else. I am really enjoying the snow though. If it is going to be ridiculously cold then we might as well have something to show for it, i.e. gorgeous white trees.
Even though it has be quite winter-y out lately, we have tried not to let it hold us back. Saturday night I went to the gym to play some friendly Co-Ed basketball. At first it was a few games of twenty-one. and then a girls vs guys half court match and lastly a full court girls vs guys game. Well I sure got my work out in. However, I am proud to say that I won all rounds of twenty-one, our girls team beat the guys in half court, and barely lost in full court. It was a pretty awesome night, despite the fact that my body still aches and some of my limbs STILL refuse to cooperate. ...It was SO worth it!
When it comes to classes, well, I am still behind. No surprise there as I have been behind from the very beginning of the semester. This has all got me thinking about school. I am not sure about next semester here, let alone a year from now. It is all a lot to take in and with my adviser cramming so many credits down my throat...well I don't know. I haven't made any huge decisions yet but I am sure I will in the next day or two.
OH speaking of the next day or two, I have a job interview coming up. It's not a big deal as I am already doing the job as voluntary work but it will be nice to gather a few cents up from what I already enjoy. I don't know why, but I am really nervous about the interview. I think it is because I know the people that will be interviewing me. The pressure is on.
Along the same lines, up this next weekend is the SAA dinner and a movie. We will be putting on Angels and Demons. AND, it will be catered BBQ! I am so excited. It has been so long since I have had BBQ chicken. I can't wait. It doesn't hurt that the movie is pretty good too. Ha!
Okay, so I have to get off here and hit the bed so I can get up in the morning for my H1N1 shot. Hurray!

Friday, November 13, 2009

What is this feeling so sudden and new?

Well, it has been a crazy few days of ups and downs. I have been, and remain stressed out as much as I think possible without having a stroke. I am happy to say that I have finally finished putting my packet together for my advisor. It consists of two letters of recommendation, one letter to my future principal and teacher, and my resume. I am excited to get that off my hands and hopefully get a great classroom this next year for student teaching. Right now, though, I have to focus on the PRAXIS! (Bum bum bummmmmm). I have to admit I am so scared to take this test. I have never been the best test taker and have not had much time to study due to my hectic class schedule. I will be happy when that is over...this Saturday.
My Birthday was this past Tuesday. I have to admit that it was rather depressing. I had class that evening so I wasn't able to go out. After waking up to tons of facebook birthday wishes I got a call from my Mom. Then I treated myself to some time in the gym playing basketball. Then I went home and waited for my online class to start. That was it, my birthday, gone. Anyways, the weather, the work load, getting the cold shoulder from a lady I thought was a close friend and a little anxiousness for Christmas break has gotten me pretty down lately. I found myself being rude to people who were going out of their way to be nice to me. Not intentionally, of course, but just stuck inside my own head and rather quiet.
I don't think I realized how weird I was acting until I went to class and an SAA meeting and people were asking me if I was okay, if I was sick. Some said I looked like I might cry. That's kind of sad. After talking to a kind of mentor figure, I went home, had some chocolate and got back to my studies.
This morning I was feeling pretty good. Being around such optimistic people (Katie Robert and Especially Keni..gosh I wish I could be that happy all the time.) really helped. I also started writing a paper about myself and my past accomplishments for the teaching program. It really made me regain some of my self confidence. It's really hard to have some of the slaps in the face that I have had over the past few months and still get up and keep fighting. Well, I am fighting through this wall of educational crap...I mean learning and trying to focus on the bigger picture.
What's the bigger picture? For me the bigger picture is the future. I am seeing me in the teaching program, my adversaries somewhere far Hawaii...a new work out program that works, some more fun times with helicopters, and snowboarding of course. Who knows what lies ahead. I am just hoping that whatever happens makes me smile because I have had one too many people bringing me down lately.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Have I Bitten Off More Then I Can Chew?

The results are in and here are my Spring 2010 classes!

General Astronomy,

Orientation to the Teaching Profession,

The Learner and the Learning Process,

Multicultural Education,

Literature and the Environment,


Introduction to Political Science

So in times like these I like to remember back to when I had time to visit one of my favorite places in Juneau.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Hold Me Closer Tiny Dancer. Count the headlights on the highway. Lay me down in sheets of linen you had a busy day today...

It has been a bit crazy lately. Carrying a full load of classes and tying to prepare for next years student teaching is all very overwhelming.
This last weekend was Halloween. It was quite an eventful night. I sat aside the studys for a little bit of fun....ok... a lot of fun. We started getting ready at 5:00pm. Kalah and I packed up the car with all our sleeping gear, Halloween costumes, food, and Energy and headed for Katie's house. There we got dressed and passed out candy to the cute little kids. We waited for Robert to arrive at 10:00pm and then jammed out on guitar hero for an hour. At 11:00pm we headed downtown to see all the crazy costumes in the local bars. It was INSANE! The bars were packed from wall to wall with hilarious costumes. The four of us eventually wound up at The Alaskan Bar, where we learned how to dance to bluegrass music. Turns out this might just be my favorite type of dancing EVER! Luckily for me a nice guy by the name of Matt, who was dressed as a bicycle riding Mormon, showed me how to properly get down to Bluegrass. My arm was so sore the next day but boy was it a blast! After the dancing we headed back to Katie's house where we watched The Hills Have Eyes 2 and then Meet me in St. Louis. haha. Ended up falling asleep around 6am but what a fun evening.
Now, it is back to school. I am falling so far behind. This past week I put every other class on hold in order to write my 15 page research paper. The class I am the most behind in is my Biology class, which consists of many ridiculous labs, pointless homework assignments, boring online lectures, and extremely hard test. I am planning on working hard to catch up in there this week.
Along with my many classes, I have the Praxis coming up. Oh man am I nervous about that and I have not had ANY time to study for it as I have been doing school work. I also have my letters of recommendation, resume, and personal letter due for the Teaching program in a week, due the same day as the Praxis. OH Joy. To top it all off I just got a call from my adviser saying he talked to the principal at a middle school here in Juneau. The principal said he would be willing to take a look at my resume and perhaps place me in a student teaching program there but would never hire me. This is because I do not have a degree in science, math, english, or history. Rather I have a degree in K-8 would think teaching 6th grade would fall into that section. Sigh. I guess it's better then nothing. At least I will be able to graduate and head elsewhere to look for a job.
On a lighter note, tonight is the SAA Etiquette Dinner. This is where we all dress up and mix and mingle like the elite. We learn how to properly eat and converse. We also get a multiple course meal. AND it's free for me as I am a SAA member and also the SAA vice president. YAY. I love free food, especially since I am flat out broke!
Well, I think that is enough for one entry. I need to get back to my homework.