Saturday, November 21, 2009

IMPORTANT! ! ! ! !

Due to some recent events, I am amping up the privacy on my blog. Those wishing to continue reading, please send me an email so I know your email address. This will now be the only way you can see the blog. Thanks so much and sorry I have to do this...I used to like the thought of people I don't know being able to read about my experiences but unfortunately, it only takes one bad apple to ruin the whole bunch.


just something I found in a diary I kept a long time ago. I thought it was well written.

Waking up to no alarm but my heart beat, I stretch and stumble out of bed. After a long yawn and a trip to the kitchen my coffee is ready. It's a cool, breezy morning and I walk out onto the front porch with my cup of coffee in one hand and a news paper in the other. Having a seat on the porch swing, beside my love, I open the paper and begin to read.


The swing I am on suddenly becomes the front seat of my car in a mad dash to get to school on time. The coffee in one hand turns into an energy drink while the newspaper soon becomes easily recognized as my unfinished homework. The sky is dark and the clouds have just moved in as the rain thumps on the windshield. Swish.....Swish. The wipers leave a mess on the widow making the road seem blurry. I take a deep breath to slow my racing heart and turn to start a conversation with my love, in the seat next to me. Unfortunatly, he has vanished with the sun.Wether behind a cloud or just untill the morning, he is gone. I am left in an empty car, with nothing but a dream and no time for a love.

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