Monday, January 4, 2010

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! (a little late)

Christmas came and went so fast this year. Usually it is long and stressful but not this time. Everyone seemed to be working together to make it as smooth as possible and I am so thankful for that! Unfortunately, right around Christmas my Great Grandma started having health issues. They thought she had Pneumonia at first, which can be deadly for a 94 year old. However, she has a weak valve in her heart which is allowing her lungs to fill with liquid. This could happen at any time so we are keeping her in our prayers. She has told us she is ready whenever the Lord wants her. It is great to have such a strong Christian woman as a role model. She will be 95 next week. I am glad that I will be in town to celebrate this with her and the family.
I wrote last entry that we had pictures taken. Here is the huge family picture which will be at least a few years before we can do it again:

I was lucky to meet with Brook and Popa, my two best friends from UCM. We met at the Mexican restaurant and caught up. I don't think I have laughed so hard in years. We decided that we are the type of friends that no matter how long we have been apart, we can come back and continue right where we left off. After we ate, I rode with Brook to take Popa home to KC. We jammed out in the car and shared memories from freshman year. Brook remembered the time that I finally stood up for myself and ended up getting the cops called to my room (who thought it was all a joke). Sarah added how she and brook hacked into the girl who called the cops' Facebook and changed everything on it to get back at her. Oh they are still just as ornery as ever. I could always count on them to have my back no matter what. Brook is getting married in August which I have promised to be in attendance. I am so excited for her. And then next summer we are taking a road trip to the east coast. That is the plan for now and I am hoping it stays the same. If I had to choose anyone to do a road trip with, it would be these two. Popa grabbed at pic of me and brook with her phone:
Ah, such good times.

I rang in the New Year with my Mom, Debbie, Kinsey, Nathan and Amanda. We had a good time watching The Proposal and the various performances on TV. It was a good time. Ringing in the New Year means one thing, no more vacation. Now, everyone is back to work. School starts back up tomorrow for the local school district. I am trying to figure out how to spend the next few weeks, besides sleeping in and forcing myself to work out. I guess I will catch up on some reading, as the thought of sitting in front of the TV all day makes me sick.
Okay, I'm off to work out! Ah New Years Resolutions! Who said they are just made to be broken? Not ME!


On January 6th I will have been in Alaska for a whole year now. That's crazy, right? Did this past year really fly by as fast as I think it did?

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