Sunday, January 24, 2010

New year, New classes, New roommates, new, new, new, new

One week of the semester down and somehow it just feels like a continuation from last year. Not much has changed, besides the furniture in our apts, which I have to admit isn't the worst I have seen. I have actually been sitting on the couch watching movies and doing homework all weekend. It's kinda comfortable.
So classes are underway and I feel pretty good about them. The homework doesn't seem outrageous. I have been sending out emails to random teachers trying to get into a classroom for my practicum. If I don't get into one then I can't be in the class. Fun right? I have to admit I am getting excited to get back in the classroom. I miss being around the kids. When I was substitute teaching I found myself really loving it (as long as I wasn't at the high school. lol). So anyways, I have been sitting around the house writing emails out to every 4th and 5th grade teacher I can find. It has been a bit stressful. So, I put in Home Improvement. That show always makes me feel good about my life. haha. I am not nearly as messed up as the people on there.
Also, I am learning about the sky and the universe in my Astronomy class. It is very interesting right now. I love looking up at the sky, well, when it is clear enough which it rarely is. Every once in a while the night sky is completely clear and SO gorgeous. A few nights ago the moon was SO huge and looked so close! It was gorgeous and last night the moon had this brilliant ring around it. This astronomy class has been teaching us about the creation of the world and how everything evolved. While I am not sure about all that, it is very interesting. It really makes you think about how the moon really was placed where it is now. Did you know that the moon is moving farther away from the Earth every year. We know this because when we landed on the moon we placed some devices up there that help us measure. (So don't ever let anyone tell you that we never landed on the moon.) Or what about the fact that some stars and galaxy's are so far away that it takes years (sometimes millions or billions of years) for the light from them to travel to us. That's kind of cool. Or what about... IF the sun is the size of a grapefruit THEN Earth is the size of a ballpoint pen. Seems crazy when you think of it like that. I think the class also proves that we, or the majority of us humans, are quite naive.
So yeah, classes have started and I am running around like crazy trying to get things together, books, homework, etc. Meanwhile, I am trying to be open to the idea of global warming (vs climate change) and even Evolution. This should be a fun semester!


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