Friday, December 14, 2012

Peace on Earth

Being that I am a teacher, I can honestly say that I have been forced to think about this tragic Newtown, Connecticut scenario many times in my short years. We practice what to do if a shooter comes into our schools. We lockdown. We teach the children not to scream even if they hear gun shots in the next room over. As teachers, we pray that this terrible event never happens to us, our school, our town. And we promise ourselves that we will stand brave and protect our students with our own lives, should it become necessary.

As this incredible tragedy unfolds and we learn more about what happened in that school building, my heart and prayers go out to the victims, the parents, the police, and the entire town that is now trying to rebuild and recover. To the teachers that held and soothed their students during the attack; who calmly read aloud to their kids with gun shots the accompaniment, the men and women first responders whose lives have forever been changed, and the young, brave, innocent children.... I pray that your hearts find some peace over the coming weeks.