Sunday, February 20, 2011

"Life is 10% of what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it."-John Maxwell

(Full moon)

I was hanging out, doing homework, with my good friend Susie a few days back. She mentioned that there was going to be a chance to see the northern lights last Thursday and Friday. I didn't think too much about it because it is usually overcast in Juneau and we hardly ever see the Aurora Borealis.
Thursday evening came and the sky had never been more clear. Susie and I decided to drive out to the Mendenhall Glacier and see if we could spot the lights. First, we wanted to grab some snacks from the local grocery store. The roads were pretty bad, so we were taking it very slow. However, we noticed this cab driver following way to closely. He didn't pass us, he just wanted to give us problems. He started flashing his lights and speeding up, acting like he would hit us. I just ignored him. Turns out, he was going to the same grocery store that we were. At the stop sign before entering the store parking lot, he had trouble stopping behind me and almost rear-ended me. While it was a little frightening at first, it was funny to see his vehicle turned sideways in the road. Susie and I couldn't believe how ridiculous the driver was. We pulled into a parking spot and watched as the driver let out two high school aged girls. THEN, we were shocked he was driving so badly with passengers. We got out of the car and walked past the cab. I half expected him to scream or throw something at us. Then Susie pulled out her phone. She stopped right behind the cab and took a picture of his license plate. The driver panicked and sped off. thinking back, it still makes me giggle. Susie didn't get a clear shot of the letters and numbers, but maybe that driver will think twice before driving so poorly in such horrible conditions. I did feel bad for the girls who probably had to call for a new cab. I'm guessing that they ended up saving money since they most likely were waiting to pay the driver at the end of their return trip home. We think we did a good deed. Ha!
After checking out, we drove on to the glacier. To our surprise there was no one else around. It was only about 10Pm and we stayed there for less than an hour chatting and laughing before returning home. I was slightly disappointed but still happy that I had some good laughs. The next morning my roommate, Jamie, said she had heard people saw the lights the night before. My heart sank. I guess we didn't stay long enough because they decided to show their face around midnight.
All was not lost, Friday night showed a chance for us to see them again and thus when 10PM rolled around Susie and I headed back to the glacier with hot tea and snacks in hand. This time several vehicles were in the parking lot. The moon was high and bright. We waited for a while in the car. It was only 1 degree out and neither of us wanted to get sick. After chatting about boys and past relationships, hardships, racism, the Virgin Islands, sports, and the future, I was about to give up. I don't remember what conversation we were in the midst of but I know that we both spotted bright green lights coming over the mountain side. Susie and I jumped from the car and followed the path out to a resting area. It's hard to explain, but the resting area is usually where tourists sit in the summer to get a better picture of the glacier. It is away from the street lights and we thought we would be able to see the lights better. Because the moon was so bright, it made it hard to capture the lights on camera. Nevertheless, they were magnificent. (The best picture my tiny camera could get)

We got so excited we decided to do happy dances (plus we were cold and thought it would help keep us warm). A few seconds into the dance Susie stopped and was playing with her phone. Me, being the dork that I am, continued on with my wiggles. Turns out, Susie had noticed a guy standing a little bit behind us. I sure am glad that it was dark and he couldn't see my face! HA!
The lights faded for a second. Susie and I thought they were disappearing for good and started to head back in. Then they came out even stronger and greener as we hopped up and down with excitement. When the lights had faded for good, we left for the car watching over our shoulders the entire time to make sure we didn't miss a third showing. I can't explain what it's like to see them. (Susie had to get a picture of me in my Mizzou shirt!)

Sometimes the world feels so small and connected with humans running around destroying a lot of what makes this place beautiful. We have airplanes that can fly us around the country in a matter of hours. We have family in every state. We have friends who have shared their stories about other countries. You can research anything on the internet! The world feels so small at times. But seeing those lights was humbling. It made me feel tiny again, as if God were on the outside of our tiny world finger painting with green. With humbling moments comes that brief bit of clarity. You realize what matters and what does not. You realize that the people who make you happy are the ones who you should surround yourself with, and the ones who don't, you should cast away. We only have one life and if you're not dancing and laughing under the lights then you're not enjoying its full potential! Who cares about those watching in the background!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Wishing and Hoping and Thinking and Praying

(Finally got my Georgia Tech shirts in the mail!!)
My week started off pretty good when I snagged the lodge TV for a few hours on Sunday. It was the pink zone games, where the teams wear pink uniforms and shoes while they play in order to show their support for breast cancer research and awareness. Watching all the teams gave me chills. Plus the commercials with Kay me sappy but it was all so inspiring and touching.
So there I was sitting in the lodge with my Georgia Tech shirt on, waiting for ESPN2 to show the GT game. I waited and waited but it never came. Luckily, I had my computer with me and was able to log onto ESPN3 where there was live streaming coverage of the game. Did I leave the lodge TV? NO! I sat there watching the games on both the TV and on my computer and it was heaven. (And GT won, which put me in a great mood!)

Moving right along, we are over half way through the month of February and just passed the lovely holiday of Valentines Day. My Vday was excellent! I am not sure that I have ever had a better Valentines day. Did it consist of flowers? No. Did I get chocolates from a mysteriously unknown crush. Heck no! I spent the entire day catching up on homework. I wrote a 14 page single spaced paper, then a four page single spaced paper and submitted those online. Ah the feeling of accomplishment, better than flowers or chocolate ANY DAY!
The following day, yesterday, I woke up feeling a bit under the weather. Luckily, I had a weight lifting class and was forced to get out of bed. Otherwise I may have stayed in bed all day. After class I took a trip to the store to get some Popsicles for my sore throat and some soup. Then, again, I got busy with homework. The first paper I turned in last night was 11 pages long, single spaced. The second was five pages and wasn't submitted until 12:30 AM. I did take a break to stop by the lodge with some friends and watch Glee. The show is great for a good laugh and was exactly what I needed. Unfortunately, that is the reason I had to stay up so late finishing the last paper.
Today, my goal is to finish one more of these ridiculously long assignments. Then I will be completely caught up. I usually am never behind in classes but, in typical Juneau fashion, it took me longer than expected to receive my books. Part of me is tempted to take all these expensive books and burn them at the end of the semester, like a celebration for surviving. That is, IF I survive the semester.
Back to business, today I finish one more assignment. I may start on the next lesson just to get ahead, or perhaps work on homework for another class. It all depends on how long this first assignment takes to complete. At 1PM I have a meeting with SAA to talk about upcoming events. It should only last an hour at the most and I am planning on picking up some coffee along the way. It will do me some good to get out of the house. It has been gorgeous outside the past few days. I managed to get a few pictures while driving back from class:

I'm going to end on some exciting and nerve-racking news. I had my first meeting with my advisor about student teaching. He said that my file is out in the local schools and we are waiting to hear back on which teachers are willing to host me for next year. That's exciting! He covered everything that is expected of us during our year of student teaching. We will have classes while we are student teaching so it's going to be a lot to juggle. I can't wait to hear back on where I will be placed. Praying that I get a great host teacher!

Friday, February 4, 2011

"Perhaps the reason it never worked in the past will be the reason it finally works in the future."

(I got this ball to workout and relieve stress. I find it more fun to play with! It Keeps me sane!)

Time flies when you're having fun, or just super busy! In my case it is the latter. I have been up to my neck in school work. Never have I had a semester this busy. I can't complain too much because the weather has been pretty cold, so it's not like I am missing getting outside. Lately, I have been sitting in front of my happy lamp, yes I have a lamp that makes me happy, and working on art projects, lesson plans, and child psychology. My life is all kinds of exciting right now.(Art projects-hehe)
I can't believe it has been so long since I last updated. I guess my school work has kept me busy. So how about that Superbowl? Go Pack! I watched the game at the Recreation Center on campus. I knew it was going to be a good game from the moment Christina messed up the words to the Nation Anthem. (To my surprise, I was the only one who noticed it. Sad right?) You know if someone would have done that in China, they may have been stoned. Ha! Anyways, I got a great laugh out of it because, believe it or not, the words can get a little tricky sometimes. (I have experience with this one!)
The game was great fun though. As always, there were tons of pizzas and stuffed footballs to throw at the opposing teams fans (the footballs, not the pizzas). And you know everyone loves those commercials. It was a blast and a great break from school work.
(Big screen=Awesome!)

Back to business.
There are a few upcoming events that are very exciting to me. First off, I have a meeting about student teaching and graduation on Monday. I'm nervous and excited but mostly anxious to find out what classroom I will be in for a year. Depending on which teacher takes me, I could have an awesome first experience or a horrible one. Secondly, I have finally received my financial aid refund check and can now take the Praxis II test. After passing that test I can get certified to teach. Yay.
Overall, the semester is going alright. It is a lot of work like I suspected but I am slowly making progress. I have a few classes which I am still behind in but the circumstances are beyond my control. While I don't get out of the house much, I have managed to meet some new people and keep up with the old friends too. Unfortunately, several of my friends from last year moved out of Juneau and no longer keep in touch. It has been for the best though because I have made some new hilarious friends. People that help me instead of hurt me. Friends who know when to tell me to get to work and when to take a break. They rock.

(Susie and I have frequent study sessions)

(Heather just got a Nintendo!)

Tomorrow is my free day, where I will work endlessly on my homework. But first, I am heading to the gym early in the morning for a nice run. And I can't forget the Georgia Tech women's basketball game! I'm not promising anything, but I have a good feeling about tomorrow. I have a good feeling about this weekend in general!
(But then again, I have been in front of my happy lamp. My opinion might change in a few hours.)