Saturday, February 28, 2009

Polar Bear Plunge Pictures!

We arrive

getting ready to jump


I totally loved it! Katie....not so much haha

Polar Bear Plunge

Today is the big day! The Polar Bear Plunge! This is when crazy people (like myself) jump into the freezing ocean water and try to swim out. I know, sounds dangerous but don't worry, we have divers there encase someone gets overwhelmed. I am looking forward to it, but I have to admit I am a bit nervous. Ok, very nervous. Honestly, I think I'm more afraid that my roommate will drown me in order to save herself. Haha. It should be interesting. I will post pictures! :D

♥ Melissa

Update: Pray for Kari who lost a loved one today. Thanks.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Today was gorgeous. Cold? Yes. But what do you expect. It is Alaska and it is February. The sun was out today making the walk to class enjoyable. It's weird what the sun does to people. Just as a full moon changes the way people behave (especially kids) the sun brings out a different side of people also. Just walking the path today, I could feel the sun on my skin and it made me so happy. I hadn't realized I missed it. I love how the sun reflects in people's eyes. They seem to sparkle. I passed several cheery professors each smiling and happy to be there, which is odd. However, on the sunniest days, I find it the hardest to sit through my classes. Most of my classrooms have at least one wall of windows, so we can see how lovely it is outside and no ones cares what the teacher is saying. Haha. Oh well, I think I looked like i was paying attention.

Anyways, Just a quick update. This weekend is the Polar Bear Plunge! I am participating and praying I don't end up getting sick or anything. It should be a blast and I will be adding pictures of the aftermath.
Guess what!? Tomorrow is Friday! Enjoy!

♥ Melissa

This week sucks!

This past weekend was amazing. I was able to finish everything before the weekend and could use the time to simply relax. It's so wrong to follow a weekend like that with a week such as this one!

This week has been a mess. I have so much to do and every time I try to do it I get distracted. My backpack and books are thrown everywhere in our living room and I had these high hopes of getting everything finished tonight. That didn't happen. I got my math figured out and started my History Bibliography. By started, I mean typed my name and the header. Haha. Tomorrow night will be crazy, I guess. I'm thinking I'm going to lock myself in my room and force myself to get it done! Gah!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Girls night out and A day at The Shrine

(Roommates Left to Right: Diane, Me, Katie, Kari)

Last night, us roommates and a few friends went out to "Fight Night." We just basically had a few laughs and some dinner then returned home fairly early. Today, we went to a place called the Shrine where there is a gorgeous chapel on the ocean. We saw sea lions up close and some whales far in the distance. It was amazing!
Happy Valentines Day! Hope yours was as good as mine!

♥ Melissa

Saturday, February 7, 2009

It Rains, It Snows, It Rains It Snows, ..

This past week has been dull. It started off snowing, which was fine until it snowed again the next day, and then rained and then snowed again and is now raining. Rain and snow all week and I think all next week too. It doesn't bother me too bad, I guess, just gets old after a while. I also had someone call me at 4am this morning and I couldn't get back to sleep afterwards, leaving me in a bad mood.
I have set aside this weekend to study History. I have a big test in there this next week. I have no clue where to even begin studying. So, I have been reading some of my history books and reviewing notes. So far, I'm not really getting anywhere.
Tonight I am practicing a skit for theater with a friend from class. It's a cow tipping scene which is pretty funny. I'm looking forward to presenting that to the class. I miss being on stage.

Hmm, so yeah. Nothing to exciting going on right now.
♥ Melissa

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

One short walk...

Today, while walking to class, I was thinking. Thinking about life, love, loss, God, home, new environments, new people, old friends, and on and on. So, maybe my mind was on overload but I realized a few things.

First: Life is way to complicated to try to sum up in one short walk to class.
Second: Love and loss can be one in the same (and often times are).
Third: I know there is a God. I know the things he has done for me. I see him in everything. Now, How do you explain that to someone who does not know God? How can you look them in the eyes and tell them that the way they are living is wrong? Especially if you care about them. I am an imperfect person myself. Who am I to say anything at all?
Forth: I use the phrase "back home" a lot these days. Did you know that there are people up here who have never had Hamburger Pizza!?! "Back home, it's like the first thing on the menu." I can not imagine. haha. However, this place is slowly changing into my home. I catch myself saying things like "no thanks, I think I will just walk home." I tried to convince someone the other day that Missouri has a lot to offer. That it really is pretty in rural areas. I guess, because I was raised there, it will always be lovely to me. But it's not the same as up here. Not the same kind of beauty and really it can't compare. Alaska, my new home? err...I don't know.
Fifth: Friends. Now this one I could go on about forever. Those who know me, know that I have always been more of a loner. More by choice than anything else. Vulnerability and I don't usually go together. If you've ever had a Real friend, you know that you have to put yourself out there and hope that they like you. Hope they don't make fun of you. Hope that if a huge brown bear comes running after you, they will not trip you, in order to save themselves. Haha. I have not had the best of luck with friends in the past. I have a few that I will probably keep in touch with for a long time. Maybe. However, the people I have met here are like a different breed. Accepting and kind. I love my new circle of friends and can't imagine not sharing this experience with them.
Sixth: The old living room couches, when arranged appropriately, can be semi comfortable.
Seventh: I have not seen hardly any of the movies my roommates have. Therefore, movie nights (even in the middle of the week) are a must.
Eighth: Though world history really stinks (and I'm not good at it), it really is a necessity. Especially if history really does repeat itself! Ahh!
Ninth: Babies remember you! Even if you're thousands of miles away. Even if they are only 18 months old and can't talk to you on the phone every day. They remember you...Just ask Kinsey.
Tenth: Refer back to the First: Life is way to complicated to analyze in one short walk to class.