Sunday, April 21, 2013

"You can cry about it, or you can DANCE about it!"

So, I've missed a few months on here. What can I say? School has kept me busy. Not only school but packing for Alaska and moving out of my cozy apartment. Emma, the pup, is adjusting really well. I'm sure she adjusts to things like this better than most people. I know she certainly adjusts better than I do.
Anyways, it's now midterm of the last quarter and the students are getting restless. MAP testing starts this Tuesday. We have decorated the halls and are really pumping the kids up about testing. This is the 3rd graders first time seeing this test and they usually struggle on the testing because it's new to them and they are nervous. We don't want them to be nervous. We want them to be fighters and feel confidant that they have done everything they can to prepare.
I as a teacher am nervous. Being a 1st year, this is also my first year administrating the test. So much can go wrong. And what if the kids bomb the test when I KNOW they can do it! I KNOW how smart they are. What if the parents do not get the kids to bed on time and they are sleepy the entire test. What if they don't get breakfast and are hungry all morning, therefor not able to concentrate. What if...What if...
I guess I just have to let it all go. I can't control it at this point.

So that's about where I'm at right now. I have loads of papers to grade before tomorrow morning. I also have to get my plane ticket booked for Alaska this week. Wow time flies!


Steve Finnell said...

you are invited to follow my blog

Unknown said...

i sure do miss you Mel! how do i follow you on this?