Monday, December 22, 2008

All Good Things Must Come to an End...

This past Friday was my last day with the 8th Grade Lady Spartans basketball team. Their head coach was nice enough to let me be the assistant coach for half the season. Here is the letter I wrote to the girls. They will not get it until after Christmas vacation. (Some of this wont make since if you weren't on the team.) :::::

Dear Lady Spartans 8th Grade Basketball Team,

First and foremost, I know you are reading this after Christmas, but the message of the card rings true all year around. I want to thank you all Very much for the awesome letters, gifts, and the adorable basketball stocking. It means more then you know!

When I decided to help coach you, little did I know what I was signing up for. I had no clue that I would have death threats, be harassed, and assaulted almost daily (you know who you are). Most importantly, I had no clue that I would be accepted so easily. I thank you for that. It’s not easy having a 7th grade manager as an assistant coach. Ha Ha.

Ladies, it has been an amazing few months in which I have learned a lot and I hope you have too. Although you are not my first or last team to coach, you will have a special place in my heart forever. Coach Converse recently asked me if I wished I could stay longer and finish the season. I told him no. What I really wish is that I could take you all with me! Unfortunately, that is not possible but I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers. I know he will keep me updated on how you all are doing.

A wise, young, nearly bald, and very tall man once said: “H+H+D=W.” I’m sure you’ve heard it said that the Dictionary is the only place where success comes before work. Let me tell you, it is true. Sometimes it is hard to focus through all the drama, hectic schedules, and other distractions. Every season you play will have its struggles, as all teams good and bad do. What is most important is how you pull together to get past those issues. Respecting each other and keeping a positive attitude will help you be more successful, not only in Basketball but in Life. And remember, having a successful season doesn’t always reflect in your record.

Take care and stay warm!

Coach Peterson

“I’ve missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed.” - Michael Jordan


And so now I begin my packing. Leaving on the 6th of January. Hopefully I will hear from UAS on a placement letter. I know that I have housing for sure but have not recieved the letter yet. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
♥ Melissa

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