Monday, May 11, 2009

First week of work...

This past week was the first of my new job at Era, the helicopter company. It was amazing. A lot of work but very nice. I have learned a lot and who can honestly say they have worked at a place like this before? I can! haha. I am enjoying myself. This upcoming work week is gonna be crazy. We have several cruise ships coming in, which means lots of tourists. I will be heading to be early all week due to exhaustion, I'm sure.
Our condo... We are all moved in and the first week there was all about getting used to the new noises of the house. I really really like it though. It is in a great location and the inside is pretty dang nice. I will try to get some pictures up on here soon. As of right now I have no internet and am sitting at a coffee place using the free internet. :) My camera is still packed away too. I will get on top of things I swear!
This next week Mom and the gang are arriving here in Juneau! That is exciting! I can't wait to see them and I'm sure the wait in the airport will see like hours and hours. I took Wednesday off and Sunday off to spend with them just in case I don't get off on time during the week. Luckily for us, the sun is rising at like 6 and not setting until after 9pm. That's a lot of daylight to use up. I can't wait!
Well, I should probably head back home soon. This coffee place is closing now. Hopefully I will have more to write about next post!
PS-I have a new address now. Ask Mom or Piper if you would like it!

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