Wednesday, August 24, 2011

"All things good to know are difficult to learn."

Welp, it's Friday and I just wrapped up my first week of student teaching. I have been in the classroom for over a week getting supplies and such ready for the kids. They showed up on Tuesday ready to learn and have a lot of fun. It has been amazing seeing how my new host teacher works. I think that loosing my old host teacher was a blessing in disguise. My last host teacher was very nice but she had only taught for four years. Sitting in on her class, I saw a lot that I could help with and a lot that I could learn from too. My new host teacher has nearly no room for improvement. There is nothing that I can pair with her to figure out or work on. For example... better classroom management, as my previous teacher needed help with. This new teacher had the class following every direction perfectly on the first day. There is SO SO SO much that I am already learning from her. She doesn't hold back when it comes to feedback. She tells me what I can work on and where I am doing well. She is constantly using everything she does throughout the day as a teaching tool towards me. And it's working well.
The last few days I have been leading the class in fun activities and games. This was her first "test" for me and how the class responds to my directions. To my surprise, they listened very well. There were only a few boys testing my limits, but overall, it went very well.
After every class we sit and talk about what went well and the plans for the next day. Today we met with my advisor to talk about the entire year. It was very overwhelming. The amount of information covered was intense. I'm still not sure I understand everything that is required of me but my host teacher assures me that we'll get through this.
Sooo today.....After my great day at school, my roommate, Emily, and I visited the new pool. I did laps in the lap pool and walked circles against the current in the current river thing. ( I have no idea what it's called.) We have decided that we are going to try and go to the pool twice a week for our leg workout, twice a week on the rock wall, and once a week doing something different. We will do all this after school as a way of winding down because we usually have a lot to talk about since we are both teaching in 5th/4th grade rooms.
Overall, my favorite part about the 4th/5th grade age is that they are starting to develope complex senses of humor. Some of the things these kids say is too funny. Today, one kid was running around the room at the end of the day with markers linked end to end. He was yelling that he was a Jedi and his markers were his "life saver" instead of Light Saber. It was too funny! Sometimes when they get in trouble, I have to bite my my tongue because I want to laugh so badly at some of the stuff that comes out of their mouths. Usually, the teacher will come over and laugh about it later. I have to learn to do that.
Obviously, I am enjoying myself right now. I know that things will get tough once my classes start in a week and a half and that I will get stressed out about lesson plans and units in the near future. Right now I am just enjoying the moment and the happiness.
Tomorrow, I am excited to be back at Era for the weekend. I miss the place and people when I'm away. I work with some very special people! This week has been exhausting though, which makes me nervous for the twelve hour day ahead. So, I should probably get to bed sometime soon. I have to be up at 5:30 AM. That will come early!

Have a good weekend everyone!

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