Saturday, October 1, 2011

"The problem is that most schools don't like great teachers. They're organised to stamp them out and make them average."

It has been a crazy and wild week. I have been so busy writing lesson plans and trying to keep up with school that I think I might be going a little nuts. I have been having a blast though. It seems like Fridays are always tough because the kids are so wound up but they end so well, with the kids leaving and getting great feedback from my host teacher. The weekends aren't the most fun for me. They are full of homework. Literally I have a schedule of what work is done on Saturdays and what is done on Sundays. It's getting better though. None of the work is actually due until Monday evening and I am starting to get my routine down.

What's new with me? Well, let's see. I woke up this past Sunday with hives on my face. It is Saturday, almost a week of Benadryl later, and my face is finally starting to clear up. Also this past week, I prepared and delivered my first lesson plan. I taught the kids about the water cycle and then we did an experiment where we took 2L bottles and made our own water cycle models. At first I thought that the lesson didn't go so well. The students didn't know nearly as much as I assumed that they would know. However, my host teacher seemed thrilled with the lesson and was still able to give me some great feedback and suggestions. Monday I am returning to the classroom to finish the experiment and collect my evaluation form from my host teacher. I'm not too worried about it.

What else, what else. Well, Era is over now. The season ended last weekend and I was able to have my last dinner with the gang at the Hangar before saying some tough goodbyes. I have to admit that my life is much less stressful now that I have time to do my homework on the weekends.
Welp, it's October and the snowline is slowly starting to accumulate and drop on these nearby mountain tops. I'm just hoping we make it past Halloween before we get our first snow fall. (Did I mention that it hailed a few days ago? Better that than snow!) I'm already getting my Halloween costume in line for the students! It's exciting!

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