Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Today I was called a Jesus Freak. What they don't realize is it was the biggest compliment ever!

So I was on youtube today and I posted a comment on a video about being sad that McCain/Palin didn't win. I put in the comment how I loved that they both were Christians and not afraid to say how blessed they are by God and how much they thank him. Here was One response to my comment:
"oh, i get it. you are a jesus freak. dont worry, i wont point out your inability to grasp reality. i feel bad for all of you people with severe brain damage."

Wow. Is that what our time is coming too? I never thought I would see the day when Americans were afraid to have Christians in the White House. I never thought I would be personally attacked because I believe in God. While being called a Jesus Freak doesn't bother me one bit, what does bother me is the fact that this is becoming more common. I cannot tell you how many times people have looked down on me lately because I am a Christian. It's tough. It hurts to know that this is what our country is coming too. But what can you do?

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