Monday, January 11, 2010


Brother Brad spoke about living a fearless life yesterday. Living in faith and not fear. Living by faith and not by sight.
It was a great sermon and very to the point but I was trying to figure out what it means in MY life. How can I interpret this to help me and my walk?
We all walk in fear at some point in our lives. Whether we are afraid of loving and loosing or just change in general, it is something we have all had to deal with. I guess I have always had issues with change. I'm not really sure why. It's not like I have lived in the same house all my life, or even in the same town. Alaska has helped with this. I know that my family is probably sick of me bringing up AK and my AK friends all the time but it has been my life for the past year. Moving to Juneau was a decision I made on my own and in my own faith. A leap of Faith for sure made out of solitude and prayer. And I have been so happy and learned so many things. This is a leap that proved to be well worth the risk.
However, now I am thinking ahead, trying to figure out my future. I am okay with not having a plan at the moment but I would like to have some idea of where I will be headed. The rest will work itself out eventually. This has been bothering me for a while now. A little bit of fear in the way, I suppose. I have thought of several states, several schools, to look into. I have thought of going right back into school concerning my next interest. I have thought many things but am not sure that I am ready to commit to anything. I guess I am just praying for a lead since the last leap worked out so well. I am hoping that the next journey I am taken on is one that teaches me just as much and allows me to have this much fun again.
So for now, I will be living each moment and each day as fearless as possible until I am shown my next adventure.


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