Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Those In Glass Houses Shouldn't Throw Stones.

Just a few days ago a group of five people were caught in a house fire and all died. They were made up of two adults, two 11 year olds and a baby. This was in a nearby town. A man by the name of Fred Phelps, who calls himself a Baptist Rev., feels the need to show his face in this community to protest the funeral. Why, you may ask? Why would anyone protest this? Their website shows what kind of people do this:

These people claim to be protesting this funeral because the baby was born out of wedlock. Acording to them God was punishing the family and the baby deserved to die. Look at their website and see how cruel they are. Are not their sins just as bad as those of this family. This is the same group from Kansas that has been protesting military funerals, homosexuals, and anyone that they feel is not worthy to be loved by God. (I am guessing they are KU fans, which would explain a lot, jk). This frustrates me to no end. I am a Christian, Baptist, and I have been made fun of my entire life because of my beliefs. I would never ever do any thing like these people are doing. They need to be reminded that they too have sinned and fallen short of God's glory. Calling names like "Fags" "Whores" "Sluts" etc, which they write ALL over their website, is in no way what Jesus would do. What would Billy Graham say about this? Graham is a man who has lived a life for God and helped bring thousands of people to God. This is the right way to help people. Judging, Name calling, Protesting Funerals, Jumping for joy at any sight of pain others face. It saddens me to a religious group forcing so much pain on others.
"If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw the stone at her."

WBC you can twist the worlds of the Bible and follow your leader blindly, but remember what has happened to other religious groups that have followed their leader, instead of following God. Hmm....Jim Jones ring a bell? What about Warren Jeffs?
How long before one of these WBC members, or the Rev hurts someone. It seems they have such a hatred and wish pain on so many but themselves. How long until they act upon their hatred?
I sure hope it never comes to that but the world we live in today can be pretty dang crazy.
*Jumps down off her soapbox*
Sorry for the venting but I had to get it off my chest before bed.

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