Friday, October 1, 2010

"Those who danced were thought to be quite insane by those who could not hear the music.”

I first have to explain my Facebook status:
"My Social Science class is a JOKE! The teacher told us to memorize all the islands in the Caribbean, So I did! And we only needed to know FOUR! So there I was sitting in class taking a test where everything I was told to study wasn't on the test!!! There is a problem when I am getting a 102% in a 300+ Lvl class and a C- in a 100 lvl class!!!(When is Christmas break again?)"

This teacher, I have had some problems with. She refuses to call on me in class and will blatantly ignore my questions. I asked her just last week what she would be looking for when she checked our folders. I thought this was a reasonable question, considering we have to have certain items in the folder to get full points. She laughed...SHE LAUGHED for about a minute and then pointed to the next person with a hand in the air. No one else was laughing. Everyone had the same confused look on their faces as me. I don't understand what her deal is but she needs to realize that YES my skin is white and YES I speak with an American accent, and NO it's not going to change anytime soon.

This test I took today had a question on it that said "The Virgin Islands___________." Talk about being VAGUE! No directions, Nothing!I liked my answer:
"The Virgin Islands is someplace I will NEVER live again." Then I highlighted the question and wrote "What a nice question!" Honestly, I had many more horrible answers I could have written. I am proud of myself for showing some restraint, albeit only a little.

*Deep Breath*

Moving on to better things... Today is CLOUDY! I love it! There is no sun in the sky, constant rain on and off, and Lots of distant thunder. I woke up thinking: where the heck am I? JUNEAU? sigh...nope. But that's okay because today I am happy with the weather. I don't think I have had a drop of sweat on my thus far today. Usually we all wake up in sweat and we take two showers a day.
Despite the unfortunate test, today is shaping up to be okay. The school is showing Shutter Island this evening, which I have heard is kind of scary...? I think it sounds good. Might be fun.
I finally got all my pictures uploaded onto my computer from snorkeling last weekend.It was a very cool experience and by far the best day in the Caribbean so far. The boat ride was fun too and I would love to spend a little more time on the sands and in the water of St. John.

I realize my blog today is a bit random today.I guess that is my life these days.
So I am heading down town to the mall with some friends. One friend wanted to get a dress and five of us are going with her. We are just THAT bored. haha


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