Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Finals Week

The last few days of my life have been packed with nothing but studying. Ok, maybe a few late night walks, talks and whipped cream. haha. But other then that I have been working on these stupid finals. College life is great until testing comes along. Ruins everything hehe.
Nah, it isn't that bad. I have been working really hard on a History final I will be taking tomorrow or Thursday. I am so nervous about it. I'm not sure I'm ready yet. We also went and signed the lease for the summer condo we will be living in. That was exciting. We move in Friday. I got my car Monday morning at 3:30 am. It was a mix of panic and joy and exhaustion all in like 15 minutes time. I haven't had much time to drive it yet, but as soon as I can I am taking that trip to the "end of the road." Also, I start my first day of work, training, on Saturday. We also have to have everything out of our current apartment Sunday evening and have it cleaned. Wow So much to do! AND this week has been like 55-60 degrees! How is it even possible to stay inside on such nice days, and study. Grr. It is hard. We have had windows open all day today and it feels nice!
So, now that I have updated the blog and typed this up in like two seconds flat, I should get back to studying again.
Hope everyones week is much less stressful then mine!
♥ Melissa

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