Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Sorry it has been some time since I last updated. I have been so very busy lately and it's only going to get worse as finals get closer. They are the last week of April. AH! As of right now I am on top of everything but I feel like I am slowly falling behind.

This past weekend was Easter. YAY! And what I call my "rebirth" day. I was baptized on Easter Sunday. YAY! It was a pretty good day. I cooked enchiladas for the house. Diane made desert and Katie made a side dish. It was nice. The four of us actually sat around the dinner table and had a home meal. I felt...old. hahah. No, it was really fun:

Pretty aye? :)
So, this weekend Kari and I are going on a whale watching tour. I'm so excited about that! It's like four hours and of course we will see more then just whales. Just spending time out of the house will be nice.
Well, I have to go for now...Laundry is waiting for me!
♥ Melissa

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