Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Just Another One Of Those Days...

Today has royally sucked...big time.
I am sick...I hate being sick, as everyone does, but I am usually good at dealing with it. Not this time. I am whiny and have no desire to do, well, anything. One thing that is great to do when your sick is READ! I have been doing some of that lately. I read the color purple, which was great. Now, Kari and I are watching the movie. Still, the sniffles, coughing, and chills make it hard to enjoy. Hopefully, I will feel up to going to work tomorrow.
Speaking of work...I love my job. I really do. However, on a day like today when weather moves in, people get grumpy. I was yelled at five times today by irate passengers who were mad I could not personally change the weather so they could enjoy their flights. Today I was the messenger and sadly enough, these people were relentlessly shooting the Me.
To top off the day, when I arrived at my car to leave for the evening, I noticed something odd. A huge dent with blue paint on the side of my nice shiny black car. What a sad day. Someone hit my car, pretty forcefully, and drove off. What saddens me the most is that this was obviously a fellow employee, as I was parked in the employee only parking. Tomorrow I will have a talk with my supervisor. There are only a few blue cars, so maybe we can figure this all out.
God help me keep control of my mind before it goes completely!!
♥ Melissa

1 comment:

Laura I. said...

Oh, Gosh Mel-- well first off I'm sorry that you were sick, get well soon! And second, grrr I hope they found out who did that to your car! Updates please! Third! Your thoughts on Sarah Palin resigning! I checked facebook to see if you had said anything-- total shock right? I thought of you the second I saw it on TV yesterday.

Anyways, I hope you are well. Love ya and miss ya!