Friday, September 18, 2009

Get In Or Get Out, Cuz You're Holding Up the Train.

The past few weeks have been a bit of an emotional roller-coaster. I'm not exactly sure where to begin. Hm...Well...Books...That's a good place. I have had books ordered forever and three have not shown up. Two of which i am having a test over a week from today. That's cutting it close. One that may not get here until the end of the month. Sigh.
On a lighter note, I got my cell phone, cell phone covers and my NEW COMPUTER! It's nice to have a laptop that isn't on life support. Yes it is huge and heavy but I have made it pretty and I have made it Mine. It runs really great too. (That's probably what really matters). Classes have been off and on this past week. My PE class has still not started and will not start until the 30th. That leaves me with only two "in class" classes. My psychology class has been canceled this week because the teacher is at some conference. That class is on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. This leaves me one class, Gov't, on Tuesdays and Thursdays. My week has been boring. I have been getting all my online homework finished though. I am not complaining about the lack of time either. I have really gotten the chance to get to know my new roommates but the extra time has made me a bit homesick as of lately.
The roommates....well I am enjoying their company. It's very sad in the same apt with new people. It's ...strange. Some days it is nice to see new faces around the house and get to know everyone's backgrounds and stories etc. Most times it just reminds me of how close of friends the four of us were last year and how now...everything is backwards. None of us are really close anymore. The memories are hard too. Sometimes a new roommate will say something that will trigger a story of one of my lost friends...nearly brings tears. This is where I remind myself that everything really does happen for a reason. The people who are in my life now are here for a reason and those who are not, are not here for a reason. This is where faith comes in. Faith that there is a bigger picture.
I should focus on the more important things, like how I just returned from watching one of my favorite bands play an amazing show. The title of this blog is actually from one of their songs, a GREAT one! I am going out for the roomies birthday tomorrow night. Some work friends are joining in on the fun. Hopefully it will be a fun night of dancing. Since I have tomorrow off I will be sleeping in, doing laundry, cleaning, research, homework in general, and anything else I can think of to fill the time. Sunday I am joining a friend from school in church. I have heard some great things about this church and so I am very excited to go. It has been much harder finding a church that "feels right" up here...more so then I ever thought it would.Maybe this is the one.
Well, I should get off here and get some rest for once.
♥ Melissa

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