Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Goodbye Alaska, Hello Colorado!

Well, I have stayed up way to late again. It is 1:30AM and I am preparing to hit the sack.
What has kept me up so long?! Well, I have been preparing to leave, of course! Packing Packing Packing. I always forget how tedious packing is until I put it off until last minute. That is why I have started packing a bit early. Laundry is "done up" and dishes are clean. Other peoples belongings have be distributed back to them and I feel as if I might actually be on top of my game, for once!
Okay okay. So I fly out of Juneau Wednesday (tomorrow) evening, got a night in Seattle airport and leave first thing in the morning for Colorado! I am really excited to see the state. It is some place that I always thought I might end up living in the future. It is much closer to Missouri, my family, and who cares if Warren Jeffs owns most of the land there....Maybe I will convert to fundamental Mormonism. Just kidding Mom.
Anyways, I will have to update the blog once I have safely landed near to my family. Gosh I can't wait to see them and share the holidays with them. AND MY DOG! Here in Juneau, Christmas lights are everywhere. I keep meaning to take a picture of the lights that line the trails to school. They wrap around the trees and are blue and white. It's very pretty. Also, I was telling mom today, the school has put up lights on it's buildings. It is really funny because the lights don't just hang on the buildings. They make shapes, but not just any shapes. We have Christmas lights outlining salmon, halibut, and crabs on them. How funny is that. Nothing like a bit of Salmon to get you in the mood for Christmas. They're so cute with their almost Parana like teeth.
I am, as always, being sarcastic.
It is great to see the lights around town though and also to hear people actually say Merry Christmas, not happy holidays. Feels good.
Well, I am exhausted and direly in need of sleep. Hopefully, I will update Thursday evening, but no promises. See you on the other side. And by that I mean the Lower 48!


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