Saturday, December 5, 2009

I'm dreaming of a white CHRISTMAS!!

Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! I can't believe how the time has flown. It seems like just yesterday I was waiting for Christmas 08 and New Years 09 to get over with so I could begin my new Alaskan Adventure. And what an adventure it has been. Now, I am a week and a half away from returning home. I want to start packing now. You think it's too early? haha.
So I have already placed some "to dos" on my agenda. The first is a basketball game at the high school that my cousin will be playing in. It is the night that I arrive in town and you better believe I am always up for a good game of bball no matte how tired I am. Also, this years Christmas is already falling into place. Looks like things are going to be planned out and less stressful this year. I am so excited to see everyone and although Juneau has already had plenty of snow this year, I am hoping that Missouri has a VERY white Christmas... I'm hoping to bring it home with me. haha.
I guess I should stop thinking so much about the holidays and focus more on what is right in front of me, like yoga in 10 min, and a few thousand homework assignments and test to finish before I leave.
See you all soon!

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