Friday, January 7, 2011

There are some people who will remain in your heart. It's ok. Let them live there. Just don't let them stop you from living.

It's Friday the 7th already?! Wow! Time sure does fly when you're having fun. I was worried that I might get bored being home for a month while most of my family was at work. However, I have managed to keep myself busy. Kinsey has also been by my side the majority of the time I've been in. Everyday there is something new she says or does that just cracks me up. I am going to miss everyone so much when I leave, but I think I will miss her even more. I asked her if she wanted to fly with me to Alaska and she said "When I get bigger. I'm to little to fly now." She is adorable, even her little tantrums.
This break I have made the rounds pretty well. I spent plenty of time with the parents and made it out several times to see my grandparents on the farm. I made it to my dads family a few times for Sunday dinners plus I saw them over Christmas. I saw the step family more than usual, which was nice. We had a Christmas party and New Years lunch. I just got back from eating lunch with my step-grandma, step-aunt and step-mom. Most importantly, I got to see my two great grandmothers; one is 96 and the other is 92. They are such strong women who I love and admire so much. On top of that, I got to see a good friend of mine from high school, Brooke Ahart. We met up twice this break but I wish we could have met a few more times. She is so fun! The first visit she showed me her house and we chatted while Kinsey and her daughter Lilly played. The last visit we took the two girls to the Fun Run. I'm not sure who was more exhausted after that day, the girls or Brooke and Me. Haha.

While I have made the rounds visiting people, I have also kept myself busy with basketball games, singing, shopping, etc. I watched cousin Kyle play ball in Excelsior and then watched cousin Alex play ball in Wellington. I love watching high school basketball. Not only does it bring back memories but it's nice to visit with the family too. I can also make comments about the coaching and playing, knowing that I am leaving soon so it doesn't matter if people get mad. Haha. Only joking..Maybe. Moving on, I have cut my hair twice since being in and have been up to the mall to spend those gift cards. I'm not sure if everything will fit in my suitcase to take back with me, but I should probably figure that out soon! On January 2nd I sang Mighty to Save at church. It went well, considering I only had about a week to prepare. It can be seen here once the church posts the service online. They are a bit behind. Also, Jamie and I met a few days ago and recorded a song for Great Grandmas funeral. It sounds morbid since Grandma is still with us, but we knew we wouldn't be able to sing it live without crying. So, we took the music she wanted and recorded it for her. It's nice to have it done because I am never sure when I will be able to return to Missouri again. Plus, it's always fun to sing with Jamie! It brings back so many memories!
Besides all the above things, I have pretty much just been eating and enjoying American food again. haha. So much for that awesome work out I had going on in the Virgin Islands. I plan to start that back up as soon as I am in Juneau.
There are times when I think about Missouri, especially in spring time, and I wonder if I will ever live here again. There are parts that I love about the Midwest but I am not ready to settle down and stop traveling. I don't know that I will ever be able to stop traveling now. Maybe it is an addiction. Oh lord!
So now I am returning to Juneau, Alaska. Just a few months ago this time seemed years away. It seemed like I would never leave that tiny island. Part of me was afraid the only way I would make it back to the "mainland" was in a casket. A horrible thought, I know, but now the time has come to pack up and leave again. I am completely stressed out about everything that needs to be done. My financial aid is screwed up from my exchange. Right now, I owe the school money still and they can drop my classes if they want. I have professors emailing me left and right about assignments that are coming up. I have the head lady over my student teaching sending me emails about what all I have to have prepared for next year. Literally, the last email had ten documents attached to it. AND the lady just sent me a new email with a few more revised documents. Ugh! To top it off, my car has stopped working. I think it's the battery but wont know until I get back to Juneau. I am pretty sure my tiny car is covered in three feet of snow by now anyways. Apparently, it wont jump start. I guess I have to have it towed or something. Sigh. All the while, my little bit of money I received for Christmas is slowly slipping from me. I have to take my Praxis 2 test, which of course cost me some money. I have to pay for my car and whatever it needs. I have to get books for my classes! I am stressing...I hate not having plans figured out and it seems that the older I get, the more my future is uncertain.
Welp, I suppose I should start packing. Tomorrow morning will come fast.
It's been a great visit, Missouri! Thanks for the white Christmas and see you in a year or so...


Mike said...

Hi Melissa! Just wanted to let you know we enjoyed your song. The service was posted a few weeks ago here:

You can see a portion of your song starting around the 18 minute mark. Unfortunately, copyright restrictions limit the ability to rebroadcast any prerecorded music tracks. I manage to follow the law by only recording a 'excerpt', so the entire song isn't in the video. (The sound people also only give me the mic feed, so the background track is pretty low in the recording)

Anyway, stay safe and warm!

Mike said...

(oops, the link didn't come through. Trying again)